"A howl out to my Divine Warrior Soulful brothers and sisters of the LIGHT. Hear my call with rooted feet planted on a peak of this sacred mountain top called Lutopia. Lutopia is a magical place where mystic ancient light knowledge The kind of knowledge that lives within each of us that is singing out to be heard, seen, and known to its owner. But first, you must lighten your load to own your power. When you stand in your POWER, you will hear, know, feel, see, or be YOUR sacred song. Allow Lutopia to be a pilot light that beckons you hOMe." -Lucinda
Do you want to learn about your energy field, how to sustain good energy, heal, and manifest? Is there an area of your life possible your work, life purpose, home life, relationships, spirituality, health, or connection to community/unity that you desire more fulfillment or direction in? Do you sometimes feel separate, undervalued, lonely, misguided, lost, sad, sick, or angry? Do challenges like your health or past trauma hold you back from living, feeling, and being connected? Are you tired of looking outside your self for answers you know are within you?
Is something pulling or nudging you to look deep within to discover your unique magic or value? Do you resonate with the terms light-worker, star-seed, healer, homeopathic, alchemist, energy, sustainable communities, mindfulness, angelic being, mystic, earth-child, earth-walker, imposter phenomenon, earth-healer, genius, alien, empath, sensitive, medium, birth or death doula or gifted?
If you answer "YES" to two or more of these questions, I invite you to consider joining our fall Light-WorKers Boot Camp for the peculiar and gifted souls who want to explore ancient and modern tools and philosophies to heal and wake up through your “Rights of Passage.” This hard core deep soulful dive within is created to crack open blocked energy and shine light in to deal and heal with what is hidden.
The profound knowledge you find within your light can be transformed in this program to impact one or more areas of your life. With new found clarity and direction, we work together to mold and hold each other with support and accountability in one area of your life to a higher light vibration and build a life you desire. A life with intention and purpose that is sustainable in a group of light-workers! Together, we stand stronger!

In this “great pause,” I chose to hold the light in a sacred container for a maximum of TEN souls who come together to earn their “Rights of Passage” to realign with their Soul Purpose. Together we vow to shift and continue to build a new world in love and unity of the light called LUTOPIA (a love and unity new earth). The teachings, ancient and modern tools and philosophies shared in this first of five light-worKers programs are all a part of the Lutopia Way, a philosophy that leads us towards a kind more sustainable you that shines out impacting the WORLD.
Highlight of this Light-Workers Program Objectives:
Nine/Ten Weeks of Self Fulfillment Exploration
Six Integration Modules
Six Tools Kits to support the Modules
Two Moon Ceremonies
REclaim the wild you beneath the programming.
REclaim your CLARITY. Get Clear! Set goals and take ACTION.
Work with Affirmations
Group Support in a web based portal (Online Forum)
Weekly Virtual Lectures and Q&A
Work with the Directions of the Native American Tradition.
Build your communication skills to authentically stand in your POWER.
Self-Care tools are personalized to support you.
Learn important Mindfulness practices.
Contemplation exercises are offered for deeper self-awareness.
Visualization and Manifestation expansion.
Live Weekly Virtual Meditations
Recorded Meditations and Talks for a year
Limited Participants
Additional private one-one coaching with Lucinda
Nutrition and Movement to support Light Upgrades
Develop Tools to Improve Your Life:
Drama triangle
Victim mentality
Contain your energy
Writing and Burning
Sacred circle
To learn more about Lutopia, dates, offerings and pricing visit our website www.lutopia411.com